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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell  FOX Business  September 24, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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here's what's happening to move the markets. the dow pushing back against bad news. we do have three tech names that can be blamed for whatever drag is there, but, again, we're higher by 13 points right now. the dollar rally, showing muscle here, gold falling. gold miners in part taking a hit today. we want to show you the pure play exchange traded fund, gggg. a lot of miners in this falling more than 3.5% today, but what looks really good? utilities are the bright spot in the market leading s&p as investors look for a safer play because we got a germany sentiment, a business sentiments index not looking strong. there's concerns about the global market, but we have every angle covered in the last hour of trading. to the floor, the ones we know and love at the cme group and
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new york stock exchange. okay, ben willis, focusing on the fact september not looking that bad for the month. >> no, it doesn't. as you said earlier, it's normal. it's historical performance where it's a down month ahead of october, but, again, you have to -- the single biggest factor into that movement is because of the central bank's hot air. there was ben bernanke clunk the market up and it managed to hold on into the closing sessions of this week. the s&p closing, window dressing from the huge funds that may not have participated in the move, but, still, 3 #.5% is a very nice move for a month that's traditionally a down month. liz: i know, and september, i try to tell people usually it's bad, but the market is focusing on fundmentals for once. there's touch and go economic data, but oil, as it comes down, it's cheaper for oil intensive
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energy companies to operate; correct? >> yeah, and, i mean, that could also boost -- directly hit the consumer. if we see gasoline prices come off qieblght as well, this could spur an economic rebound. stocks hit a four year high last week. we're consolidating right now, but i think that the support's around 14.40* on the s&p, and all the economic data this week is expected to be better than what we saw over the last month, and i think z the week progresses on, we'll start focusing primarily on that jobs report that comes out next week. remember, there's only one more after this report, and, you know, we're really going to start to see, you know, is it helping at all? i think that the stock market has a floor built into it with qe supporting it. liz: i don't know if we can show home builders, but there's a lot of smart people who believe that the home builders reflect the qe, if it's working anywhere, it is working in the housing sector, at least
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psychologically. while they are down today, they had an unbelievable run. we've had people picking them for the past six months, especially after the bell at 4 p.m.. i hope people listened and made money there. back to energy there. there was an important point about gasoline. look, of course, we're not paying $2.91, but higher. it's the wholesale price. when will we see it come down as much as oil per barrel came down? >> that's unique. you can take a look at not only front month, but look at, you know, three, six, twelve months as well. you know, the front month rbob is priced out, and october december spread, the object january spread -- liz: it's down? >> actually up. there's a premium on that. it's back now meaning gasoline prices have a bid right now, it may be longer than people think, but that, you know, they lower
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gasoline prices compared to where they were two weeks ago, and that should be conducive to the consumer and bullish risk. liz: refineries slow to move, and therefore, that's why the price of gasoline is slow to come down. ben willis, we have the business acceptabilitiment sur -- sentiment survey that people look at. germany's been a bright spot, slightly dim, but how did that color the markets this morning? we were lower at one point. >> china, their facebook version of what we had styled it lower, piled on by the business indicator. we opened lower. thed broad market, s&p, and dow is down. the dow's come back with the heavy weights you mentioned. you know, likes of general electric talking they like the material stocks that we talked about up with your show, bhp, but you mentioned housing stocks.
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what i want to point out to the investors, if you bought them when nobody elsemented them, you tripled money. you ended their virtual christmas selling season. that's why you see pressure on them today coming off even with great earnings in a stock like lanar, reported earnings tradedded higher initially today. that's the way traders look at it. investors want to buy things when they go down, not up. liz: exactly. we have tried to tell people that. it's extraordinary important not to be too scared. i mean, you don't want to be stupid. nonetheless, the opportunities are there when the fear is heaviest. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on the floor show. i want looking at the dow winners. jp morgan up 5%. names that are actually looking good. again, we had intel, getting a call by evercorp. cutting estimate for intel and cut for dell because of the pc outlook,
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and the reason for intel was customers are distracted by the choices out there, and what are they turned # away from? the pc and people still perceive, although intel is getting in to smart phones, they are entrenched in the pc market. intel off the lows of the session, still down 32 cents. time to take a deeper look at the big headlines impacting the market. shaking it up with the team, liz and lauren, and peter barnes in washington, d.c., but, peter, start with that. the managing director of the interthacial monetary fund giving a take where the global economy is headed, and it's not all good. she's usually, peter, somewhat negative, but there was a little slight bit of possivity, wasn't there? >> yeah. [laughter] she said that -- she said that the policy puzzle looks like that, a puzzle with some pieces already on the table, with all
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solutions coming together, but other pieces of the jigsaw puzzle not there yet. she pushed politicians here to follow through on the policy promises to reduce uncertainty she says is slowing global economic growth, liz, saying global growth will likely be a bit weaker -- coming in weaker than what the imf anticipated as recently as july saying uncertainty is, quote, "having very real effects increasing divergence of economic forchips in the eurozone and a tepid recovery helping to contribute here in the united states." shements the europeans to do the -- she wants the europeans to do the unified banking supervision, unified fiscal policy, and shements the fiscal -- she wants the fiscal cliff addressed here in the united states. liz: ifo -- i-f-o, the german
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sentiment. people put emphasis into that. the recent health care law will hit the economy if not repealed. who did the survey? >> it's a really important survey, done by the national association of business economics, top economists at the country's biggest companies at places like dupont or wells fargo. the majority, 75% says health korsts continue to rise, and 60% say fewer employers provide coverage in the near future, and four out of the ten was the repeal of the health care law. the majority, nine out of ten said what is hanging up the u.s. economy is dc fiscal policy. the majority said make permanent the income tax rate, capital gains rate, and dividends rate, and and -- seven out of ten approved the pipeline. liz: how does the country run when nobody wants to do
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anything? who knows. apple. this is a huge story today, although the stock is rebounding a bit from having lost a decent chunk here. >> up substantially, but i'll repeat peter's "yeah" in terms of apple selling a little over 5 million. it's a great number, but look at the bullish estimates we looked at. piper jeffrey, 8-10 million. what happened? we can say we got half of that. preorders were not included, but we were looking for a bigger number. it's 12% of the nasdaq, 4% of the s&p500, and year-to-date, they are up more than the dow jones. if you're a long term term investor. liz: a case of what have you done for us lately? >> saving the economy. liz: thank you very much. it could be the september that bucks the ugly trend with the s&p up 3.5%, but economic woes
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persist in the u.s.. you know we have had a long stretch of unemployment above 8%. 43 days until the 2012 election. which side captures your belief it is the answer to our problems? we're getting between now and then both sides on many levels, but first, live to rich edson standing by exclues evely with the republican vice presidential nominee representative paul ryan. rich, take it away. >> thanks, liz. chairman of the house budget committee, ryan, thank you for joining us. the president's numbers, 8% unemployment, what he's passed, the signature proposals of the administration, unpopular health care law by many polls, other things he's done. how are you guys not up big in this one running away? >> we're running against an incumbent doing everything he can to distort and distract the country to win by default. look, the obama economic agenda failedded because it was passed. what myth mitt and i propose are
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very specific pro-growth policies designed to get the economy growing, get people back to work, out of poverty, back on a path of efficiency to the middle class, and we go to the country with the clear choice. it's a choice election where you decide do you want the romney plan, pro-growth policy, gets people on track, or more of the same four years of president obama, 15% poverty rate, unemployment above 8%, 43 months, 23 million people struggling for work. >> is there something in the polls you have to change about your message? scot walker wants to see more of paul ryan of old on the campaign trail? anything you can specifically -- >> scott is a backer of mine, but what at the final analysis when people see the clear choice, the contrast of the two visions, we'll be fine. you know why? because president obama's not working. he's failed leadership, not tacklinged the debt crisis,
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crammed through a one size fits all government takeover the health care, taking over the financial services sector with regulations, stifling energy creation with the regulations. he's promising huge tax increases in january. that just gives us more economic malaise. it's the greatest -- >> 47% talk we heard so much about, what is it about the 47%? is it the government? is it a change in the american fiber to an entitlement america? what is it? >> here's the point we keep trying to make because of the stagnant obama economy, more able bodied people are dependent upon the government because they have no opportunities in the economy. what mitt and i are trying to do is say, here are the ideas to get growth, jobs created so that workers can have job security and higher take home pay, and here's how you get people from dependency from welfare back to work. we should not be measuring our safety net programs and the success of them like food stamps by how many people are on them,
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but measure the success on how many people we transition from the programs back to self-sufficiency, back to work, and that is not what we're getting in the obama presidency. look, president obama, the other day himself said he can't change washington from the inside. isn't that why we elect presidents? if he can't change washington, we have to change presidents, and what mitt romney and i ever are specific pro-growth solutions designed to go back to work from poverty, bag to the middle class, and higher take home pay and prosperity. a debt crisis will not take the debt crisis down like in europe. the president ducked the issue, and i'm afraid if he was re-elected, we'll have four more years of the same. >> taxes, briefly. governor romney releasing tax returns, paid about 14%, and he could have paid less than that. should he have paid more? i don't mean send a larger check to the treasury, but under a new tax system in the country, would you like to see folks like governor romney have fewer tax deductions available to them?
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>> that is the premise we make. i say three things. number one, mitt's tax returns say he's a successful businessman. that's a good thing, i think. that's the experience we want. number two, he's a generous man. he and ann are generous people believing in civil society and charities. three, our pro-growth tax reforms are to lower tax rates for everybody by plugging loopholes starting with people like mitt romney. >> he'd pay more? >> yes, people in the top tax bracket. higher income people can use lots of shelters to shelter income from taxation. close those shelters, income is subject to taxation, lowering tax rates for everybody. this is a the secret to economic success. it's worked. it's a bipartisan idea. reagan and o'kneel this in, and it is what we propose today. there is a chorus of democrats and republicans who agree with us, not just president obama. lower tax rates, broaden the tax
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base, and, yes, preference for middle income taxpayers, but the secret is to get rates down because that triggers growth. >> on the corporate side, get 25%, get rid of a trillion dollars worth of deductions in ten years, prepared to do that? >> 25% corporate tax rate, a territorial tax system making us globally competitive. i worked with them for years, familiar with the modeling. i don't agree with a lot of the modeling, but we really believe we can trigger economic growth. >> revenue neutral? >> revenue neutral tax reform is what we're talking about. get the tax rates down, a simple tax system, that triggers everything. we can get 700 million jobs alone from the pro-growth tax reforms. that's what we'll do. president obama promises loopholes and higher tax rates. that kills jobs, estimated to kill 700,000 jobs if his tax increase occurs in january. >> chairman paul ryan, thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> liz, back to you. liz: thank you very much. once again as chairman ryan discusses the ideas and what is a metric for how well any leader haws don, and there's a metric, we look at it, the stock market, just over the past year, dow jones industrials up 26%. nasdaq, better by 28% year over year, and s&p -- these numbers better over the past four years to be fair and balanced, s&p up 28%, so it's perplexing to people as the target does unbelievably well, the economy does not. pick and choose at this point. which we could have both at the same time; right? closing beam ringing in 44 minutes. september, as we said, historically a terrible month for the markets, but over the decade, down half a percent, and so far, up 3.5% for this one as we buck the trend. david less of steeple, managing
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$125 billion. up next, he's going to tell you if the trend continues for the last couple months of 201. ♪ look, if you have copd like me,
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liz: the u.s. dollar is strengthening today. in fact, the euro is the weabest in an entire seven sessions. it's not even at the low. europe started to weaken again. we want to teach you this stuff. the germany sentiments survey smacked down the euro which was at $1.8929. that's why gold is weak and oil is dropping because the dollar is stronger. getting to nicole on the floor of the new york stock exchange watching facebook shares sinking. worst hit in a couple weeks here. >> it's true, liz. when you look at facebook today, and you're a shareholder, if you wanted it back to the $38ipo price, well, that's not going to happen any time soon. on the contrary. there was an article over the week talking about the experts saying the stock is still too pricey at the current levels. what's it worth? eluded to the fact it's worth
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$15. what happened? facebook is trading at the lowest levels since early septemberment the decline seen today was the steepest seen since late july, and it triggered some of the short sell in regulations. in other words, you can't sell until there's an uptick, otherwise you have a whole run on facebook. actually, there's that as well. looking at ren, like facebook, it's a social networking company of china over in bay gipping, and you can see renren is doing the same with the down arrow there, down 4.5%. back to you. liz: you know what? you've heard of the barrens bounce, but this is the barrens blowup. when they do this, i don't know if we can take a tech shot of me here, but it's not helpful to the stock with the a little thumb down worth $15 when it's 21 and change now. this is the called the barrens blowup. barrens has powerment i don't know if you subscribed to this, but it's worth it.
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september historically known to be the worst month for stocks, but bucking the trend this month, all three higher. next guest knows why, and he also feels there's a way to play this very easily and quickly. he's in the fox business exclusive, managing directer, a mere $126 billion under management, and i'm assuming you're up? >> yes. thanks, liz. absolutely. picking up managers, assets, doing a great job. you know, the fascinating thing about september that you mention is that, you know, we heard at the beginning of the month, september, worse month for stocks. liz: why is this different? >> it's a measure of quantitative easing, resolution about the eurozone crisis, bond buying plan. it's not resolved anything, but it takes the pressure off, some of the near term pressure of the marg, and the fascinating thing is that going back about 20 years, septembers this strong, 1996, we saw an 8% gain in the fourth quarter.
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in 1998, a 23% gain. there was a fantastic stat in "wall street journal" talking about the number of 1% down days we've seen this quarter. noun. not one down day. what's interesting about that? since 1900, they noticed a 16 time market averaged 6% return over the next six months. there's a tail wind that the market's back. liz: what's your tea leaves telling us the rest of 20 # 12? >> i look at -- i look at a lot of asset flows going into the the exchange traded funds because exchange traded funds pick up more and more assets relative to mutual funds. liz: is that a bubble? >> in some areas, i could argue about that, there's some problems, but in the liquid ones, not at this point in time. it's an investable way to dive into the market which is good. the xme, metals and minings ete, 30% of assets in the last month alone, thank you, qe, helping
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that a lot. home builders, anything related to the housing market, we get more and more positive data points, getting the mbs program out of the fed, buying mortgages, they are targeting us. any etm related to home builders related, and the itb, the pure play home build ors, picking up assets, this benefits the financials. liz: he told you where the flows are going and out of treasuries. oh, david has more. more than $126 billion in assets under management. i want to listen to what you have to say. he's coming right back. you got to hear that. more movers for the quarter. he'll explain. closing bell ringing in 30 minutes, we have gains of six points in the dow jones industrials. right now, more than 400 of the 500 s&p500 companies are paying dividends. free money for you. which are the best buys? now, we give a lot of stock ideas on the show, but fred dickson has three coming up that
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are stunning because of how long they have been paying out dividends. more than four decades a piece. stay tuned. he's spotting the highest achievers for you. ♪
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liz: comebacks are a little hard to come by on wall street, particularly -- get this -- if you decorate your office with $87,000 rugs and spend $35,000 of shareholder money for something called a comode on legs. but wall street today is buzzing that the man who did that, former merrill lynch ceo john feign, is plotting his next move. charlie gasparino has the latest. wasn't he running -- >> reporter: he was running merrill lynch, now he's running cit which lends to mid markets and smaller outfits.
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sources are telling the fox business network that he's been shopping cit in the last couple of months in an effort x this is what banking sources are saying, in an effort -- because this is a very ambitious man. he didn't want to sell merrill lynch, he had to during the height of the financial crisis, but he wants to be ceo of a majorrp'k, and he wants to sell this to a larger player so he can emerge as, essentially, a candidate to run this larger player. whether this will happen or not, i can't tell you. cit has a pretty good bump today, saying wells fargo -- not that they would be in the best position the buy them, we should point out last week there's the btig group put out a note that said canadian banks are, essentially, best positioned to buy cit, but clearly, according to banking sources, he's out there trying to shop this thing. whether he can do it now, i don't know. i think he'd have to get the stock price a little higher, maybe something in the mid 40s or 50s.
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liz: well, let's show a three-year. >> reporter: remember, it was in bankruptcy. liz: that's why i want to show a three-year. that's a year to date, but it looks very good. it'll come up in a minute. >> reporter: it's up 10% this year. he's done -- liz: there. >> reporter: you know, he took it over in early 2010, you know, it was in, i think it was in bankruptcy for about a month. he did a chapter 11 in a month. it's not a huge firm. i don't believe they received bailout money, i'll have to check that after i get off the floor here. they were -- i don't think that they were big enough, systemic enough to qualify for bailout money. this all occurred during the financial crisis. they were just smaller, so they didn't get the bankruptcy. bain took it over. a lot of people thought he would never come back on wall street again after, i mean, it was not just the office redo which he can thank me for that, i actually broke the story that he was being forced out of merrill. he tried to get a $10 million bonus out of merrill at a time
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when he was running the firm. he didn't cause the subprime crisis, he didn't put merrill into those lousy investments, but over that year that he ran merrill, it was between, you know, early to late 2007 and late 2008, during that year, he must have given the misdirection about the problems that merrill had about 45 times. i'm exaggerating, but four or five times is not an exaggeration. so then he sells it, remember, to b of a during the financial crisis. right after they sell it, shareholders approve it, merrill lynch reveals a major loss. it almost took down bank of america. so this guy had a number of major missteps at the opened -- at the end of his career, plus the office thing -- liz: right. it was a million. >> reporter: 1.22 million, and he spent a lot of money on a designer, this guy michael smith, or something like that. he actually redid the white house. he spent about $800,000 on
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michael smith. obama spent about $100,000 redoing the white house, okay? get the difference? and this office thing was a huge story. we should point out that even president obama, like mentioned it, he just took office. it was january -- liz: just bad form. >> reporter: he said something like, you know, these banks are getting away with murder, it's horrible that people use shareholder money to redo their bathrooms. i mean, it was a funny line. [laughter] liz: all right. >> reporter: he's trying to make a comeback, and you got the story here first. liz: as always. thank you, charlie. closing bell ringing in 26 minutes. coming up after the break, i need you to watch fred dickson because he's got three names, and i've really looked into these. they fascinated me for one specific reason; they might not be in your portfolio. there's a good bet they are not, but you might want to take a look at them since all of them have increased their dividend yields every single year over at least the past -- well, wait, i'll tell you when we come back.
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you have to hear it. ♪
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liz: right now let's get a check of more of today's movers with sandra smith at the cme in chicago, nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange, and as we start with you, nicole, i checked on my laptop, and i googled, and i saw all-time highs for the shares. >> reporter: unbelievable day. you know, anybody who's been on wall street for a while remembers i'm gaga for google.
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that stock in action today. remember back in 2007 when the stock was there at the 70 level? today -- 740 level? today it hit an all-time high. citigroup came out with a note noting the fact that google had the ability to cross that level, talking about motorola mobility, that business streamlining that business, also seeing a potential spin-off for selling the motorola home segment and their new price target, $850. so google is certainly one that's a hot one on wall street. and then we've seen selling, but google shining. and this was a $100 stock back in '04 and, obviously, dipped during the financial crisis, but right back up there, liz. liz: okay, thank you. sandra's at the chicago measuring erc. >> reporter: hey, liz. i was just talking to traders looking closely at the currencies because a lot of currencies, obviously, drive the movement in the commodities on the floor, and we're looking at that 129 euro. while the bearish traders on the
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u.s. dollar have not gone away, they've subsided at least for now, and that's, obviously, giving a little bit of a selloff in the commodities market. take a look at silver, this is one of the worst performing commodities, but it's been on a tear, up about 9% so far for the month of september. profit taking is happening today. we're seeing it in silver. prices across the precious metals complex. but also in the industrial metals, copper prices. copper is up about 8% so far in september, so some profit taking there as well. in fact, the biggest selloff that we've seen in copper in about seven weeks. but not only is it profit taking and a stronger u.s. dollar, but there's a lot more concern than there was last week, even today about the global slowdown and what's going to happen over in china as far as copper demand. liz, china is the biggest consumer of copper in the world, and when there's more global concerns there, you get that selloff, so a big selloff across the board in the commodities today. liz: sandra smith, thank you very much. good color today. yeah. we're trying here.
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we're still clinging, though, nonetheless to two points in the green at the moment as the closing bell comes bearing down. we're about 19 points away -- 19 minutes, rather, away. coming up, fred dickson of da davidson. i get excited about everything we do at fox business, but he's got three names that really caught my eye. they have increased their dividend yield every single year for the past at least 37 years. they have also had unbelievable performances. those aren't the ones. we're surprising you. you have to stay stay tuned through the commercial break. unbelievable year to date performances. stay tuned. ♪ copd makes it hard to breathe,
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liz: okay, look, we know that the dividend story has been a big one for more than a year now, but how can you spot the highest achievers as so many have been piled upon by investors right now? joining us now in a fox business exclusive from oregon is fred dickson, chief investment strategist at da davidson. fred, when i saw these three names, i thought, i cannot wait to present these to our viewers because they have a pretty stunning statistic, don't they? >> absolutely, liz. good to be with you this afternoon, and they absolutely do. i think that there's been a lot of attention to dividend stocks but little attention to solid, stable, annual dividend growth, and that really is a big catalyst. liz: it is. and the three names that you're going to give not only have had a pretty stunning record when it comes to paying out dividends, but they've also done really, really well year-over-year. so let's start with genuine parts, gpc. this stock is up about 25% over the past year.
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how many years straight has it increased its dividend? >> liz, gpc has increased its dividend for 56 consecutive years. it's a stellar record. your viewers probably don't recognize the corporate name, but i'll bet you they recognize napa auto stores around the country. wonderful cash flow generator, big return on investor capital and a lot of free cash flow growth behind it. great management team. liz: 56 years straight, folks, okay? so somebody's doing something right. now, let's get to your second name, and this one's called auto data processing, and when you look at adp, they've got all kinds of ideas when it comes to outsourcing. this one up 21%, and how many years has it paid out its dividend? >> for 37 years in a row. anybody who's worked in a number of businesses probably received a check, a paycheck with adp on the bottom. it has stellar management, number one position in its
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industry, branched out to provide a bunch of human resource services beyond the payroll processing, and, again, very, very good returns on its invested capital. liz: these names are not sexy, some might say, but here's another one. i like the returns, they're pretty sexy. [laughter] this one is up 70% year-over-year, it's called ppg. ppg industries, and they manufacture decorative coatings, real hot, smoking industrial stuff. when i look at this i say, okay, boring, but look at this chart, everybody. this is looking so unbelievably well. how many years has this one paid out a dividend? >> well, we're talking about 41 years in a row, and ppg has the lowest actual yield of the three at about 2%, the others are up in the three plus percent, but ppg has a story behind it, and the story behind it is that it diversified out of kids commodity chemical business to concentrate on coating. so its coatings are going on everything from automobiles to
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industrial equipment to jet planes, and i think that caught wall street's attention. it should increase its cash flow and even its rate of dividend payments as we look out over the next couple, three years. liz: and it's been in existence since 1883. give us your trade secrets when you pick up a stock. i'm asking you to cough up everything here. les claman says -- liz claman says tell me your secrets. when you're looking to buy a stock, what are the two number one things -- that's good -- that you look for when purchasing a stock? >> well, in this particular model which is one of two or three that we run at davidson, we're looking for consistent dividend growth, annual dividend increases of at least ten years, we're looking for clean cash flow, clean balance sheets, and we love to see a story behind the company that strengthens the company's industrial position. basically, its competitive position. thus, that should insure those dividends keep increasing. we want to see those dividends
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increasing at least at the inflation rate, and these three companies that we mentioned each successfully did that through the '97-'98 period. might also mention, one of your guests earlier mentioned google, all three went up toño' highs tt were above their 2007 highs two years ago. so the market does recognize this kind of strategy. it's a -- liz: yeah. >> and let me just say it's a strategy that, basically, was designed to kind of match market performance but cut the could de risk by a third to a half in the '07-'08 period. and it did that in '01-'0 and '07-'08. liz: everybody that says the market is discounting good companies, all you have to do is look at these three and it's a good indication that the good ones do do well. fred, thank you so much for coming on. >> good to be with you, liz. liz: chief investment strategist at da davidson. by the way, we will put up his picks at claman, give us a few seconds,
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and we'll get that done. let's shift over to david lutz again, he's got hundreds of billions in assets under management, and as we get closer to what's called window dressing at the end of a month or quarter, tell us where you see the flows going. >> window dressing for your viewers out there, it's simply that mutual fund managers have to write letters at the end of the quart to all their investors and say i own these stocks. they don't want to show the losers, stocks that have been underperforming. so we rook at sectors that could be outperforming over the next week. look at the the refiners, chevron and phillips 66, both of those names are at the top of the s&p performers this quarter. mutual fund managers are going to want to show they own these. look at the home builders, poultry's the third best performer in the s&p 500 this year. names they might not want to show that they own, the semiconductor chain, advanced micro device is down almost 40%,
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it's the worst performing member in the s&p 500, and that fall into the other pc chain stocks. intel, dell has been underperforming, hewlett-packard, so we continue to see some as far as these tech stops. last but not least, iron ore prices are down 25% so far this quarter, and a lot of the metallurgical coal companies are tied to these, so names like alpha natural resources, these stocks might have headwinds. liz: i get that, but let me just say that we were looking at iron ore prices, and you are correct, they have taken a steep, steep fall, but australian exports of iron ore have suddenly started to tick up, and we just showed this on a segment, remember, you guys? a couple days, weeks ago? suddenly, it makes you wonder are things picking up in china? almost imperceptible, by the way, very small move. >> iron ore prices are 10% higher than the bottom a couple weeks ago, you're absolutely right. i think the philosophy is
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anticipation that china is going to actively start stimulating again. the big hurdle has been the national congress that they're supposed to be having in a couple of weeks. that's their leadership transition. there were some reports out this morning that was going to be delayed. that's weighing on some of the many metals in the mining sector, but if they get this through, we're going to be looking at stimulus. they're going to be buying iron ore--related stocks. liz: and that's why you're still buying stocks until the end of the year. >> absolutely. we see a rotation out of bonds into stocks, and we think that's going to continue. everybody is really bullish on stocks. you look at cftc data, it's showing you the large speculators on the street, these guys have never been more bullish as far as treasuries are concerned. at the end of the day, the market's going to do what with the most participants, and not enough people are invested in equities. liz: thank you so much, david lutz, managing director. we've got six minutes before the closing bell rings. after the break, i'll tell you one stock that's taking a dive
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they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. liz: investigation, never a good word when it comes to a stock. quest corp. has announced that it is under investigation by a u.s. office here for what? marketing problems, issues with the marketing practices, plus aetna cuts back reimbursement for its main drug, so qcor down about 36% today. it is a $19.05 stock right now. all right, what do we have? red on the screen today, the dow tried to make a go of it, not right now at least.
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let's go over to david asman. david: you know, there are a lot of thing happen in this hour, but david steinberg's biggest holding is in gold mining stocks. it's down a little today, you buy on the dip, this might be the dip to buy on. liz: okay. we're going up. let's go to nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange with energy. for a rare moment for apple, the company, i guess you could say it missed some estimates, the stock falling on the news. >> reporter: and, you know, i don't know which way you want to look at it i. -- five million iphone 5s this weekend? that's unbelievable. it's not eight million tones, and that's what the analysts were waiting for, and that's why you didn't see it hit another new high. david: all right. well, the power of our sister publication, barron's, very strong on facebook today. they said that the right price could be around $15, the stock dropping like a lead balloon today, it's down about nine points, but google doing quite


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